How to Complete Caps Airdrop Day 2 Task | Caps Airdrop Hidden Task

How to Complete Caps Airdrop Day 2 Task | Caps Airdrop Hidden Task

Guide to Completing the Caps Airdrop Day 2 Hidden Task

Today is Day 2 of the CAPS daily task, and I’m going to guide you step by step on how to complete it and claim your rewards. Make sure to read whole article carefully so you don’t miss any details and can successfully complete this event. You can also watch video below.

How to Open the Task

  1. Open the home screen of the CAPS task section.
  2. Tap on the CAP icon that appears on the screen.
  3. Tap on it three times in a row (One, Two, and Three).
  4. After clicking three times, go back to the question mark section.
  5. You will see that today’s task has been successfully completed!

This CAPS airdrop is available for only 7 days, and 3-4 days have already passed. That means only 2-3 days are left.

Video: How to Complete Caps Airdrop Day 2 Task | Caps Airdrop Hidden Task

Click Below to Watch Video!

How to Complete Caps Airdrop Day 2 Task | Caps Airdrop Hidden Task

That’s it! Stay Tunned for tomorrow’s task, and I’ll guide you on how to complete it on time.

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